Plastics are remarkable materials, however some of their key benefits quickly tern into their greatest failings as the pack moves through it’s life cycle.
Working with Zero.Co ARNE.STUDIO designed an award winning reusable pouch and one way refillable spout. Relying on the longevity of the pouch material in combination with it’s ability to be easily send back to Zero.Co flat eliminating costly, complex and un-sustainable return logistics.
The pouch features a one way closure which prevents tampering and works in combination with a custom filling nozzle design. The filling nozzle opens the spout, directs product through the component and then closes and resets the the spout on withdrawal. tapped into the consumer pull for reuse as they became the most funded Kickstarter campaign of 2019 reaching their target in just 8 days. This pack has been the core of the ZeroCo business for 5 years. They have reused over 240,000 pouches eliminating the need for 12,000kgs of single use plastic and supporting their aim to clean up the planet.
Arne.Studio managed end-to-end packaging transformations including technical design, consumer testing, prototyping, component specification, filling line design, development and qualification.