Dizzie’s strategic move into B&M required a family of pots which would unlock reuse at the store shelf, at scale.
Working with both B&M retail and directly with brands Dizzie identified key SKU’s which are best suited to reuse conversion. Across the deli, dairy, fresh soup and condiments isles we can see liquids served in single use, plastic intensive, pots where pack capacity is synchronous.
Targeting these products ARNE.STUDO produced a family of pots which could serve across a wide range of SKU’s. It’s important to offer brand differentiation while taking advantage of pot standardization. To resolve this tension a solution which allows for 5 different decoration techniques was developed. This offers brands the flexibility to stand out on the shelf while supporting a range of filling lines.
The pots use <2x the materials of their single use alternative making them plastic positive vs the incumbent solution on the second use.
To validate this concept we worked with the film manufacturer to identify the optimal lip design, lidding material and processing conditions to support peelable lidding and resealing up to 10 times. Further investigation indicated we can improve on these results.
The lifecycle of the pot now includes return logistics. In order to minimize the costs and complexity associated with this operation the pot is designed to stack and be stacked using a RVM (Reverse vending machine). We worked with the RVM supplier to develop a concept that eliminated complex sorting while allowing for multiple pots of different sizes to be retuned at the same time.